Hey readers!
Dear Hummingbird is on a break this week. We thought it’s time to take a breather and be back with some engaging stuff next week.
We wish all the CA Final candidates all the very best for their results. Whatever it may be, we know you worked hard for it so credit yourself. Feel sad/happy, cry, spill your eyes out if you feel like, no matter what the result is, give your emotions some time to settle down only to be back with more rigor, strength and power to face the world.
All of us have some rituals. Some songs that empower us before the exam, movies that give us hope, favorite people we always seek guidance from, prayers and what not.
We are sharing our ritual with you. Before facing any Herculean task, we watch a speech. It’s a convocation speech by Vir Das titled ‘Be Stupid’.
Delivered and written beautifully, brimming with humour and inspiration. We hope you find some strength in this speech like we do :)
Best of luck!
Dear Hummingbird is a syndicated advice column by CA aspirants for CA aspirants.
If you want to send in questions, please send them to The Hummingbird here. You can also write to us on dearhummingbird1@gmail.com