Hello Nello!
A lot of you joined this newsletter in the past few days so this is a disclaimer:
I don’t usually write in this format or leave you with less than 5 recommendations but..
Of late I have been feeling like ‘Patrick’ from Spongebob Squarepants -feeling like hibernating under a rock. I have been grateful to this newsletter to help me bring out my thoughts in this crisp piece every weekend but putting yourself out there is not so easy always eh?!
Also, I presume that y’all wouldn’t want me yapping about random paraphrased stuff - hence, the hibernation. I also presume y’all know that feeling:
that feeling of listening to the same song on repeat every time you sit in the cab before work everyday, to the extent that your ‘On repeat’ Spotify playlist can have ‘On repeat repeat’ playlist. For me, it was this song:
The lyrics revolve around themes of uncertainty, inner turmoil and the perennial urge to find peace -sa..ooounds familiar?!
it is also that feeling of having a long list of unread mails (especially newsletters for me) which you did obsess about a while back but now you just see it building everyday to the point that you scroll mails instead of Reels
it is also that feeling of indulging yourself in just that one little thing that gives you mental peace, something that literally makes you escape your mind and travel to a different world - for me it is reading this gem of a book - ‘The Three-Body Problem’
Repeat from last issue of this newsletter, if you haven’t watched the trailer yet, here you go:
The Three-Body Problem is a thoroughly inventive piece of literature, crossing genre boundaries to craft a strong thesis about human societies and their life cycles. It reframes the alien invasion — a thrilling sci-fi trope — into a bleak and existential disaster as real as civil wars and global warming. It uses high-level astrophysics and mathematical concepts as both plot devices and unique metaphors; it uses the real-life effects of China’s Cultural Revolution to inform its fictional events. The story spans many decades, characters, and political points of view.
To report more from the last issue of this newsletter:
We finished our little family project - 1000 pieces of sheer beauty
coming back to feeling ‘that feeling’ - that feeling of clinging to your sources of inspiration. For me it is this post from Maria Popova that I read and re-read every year
I hope to show up dedicatedly to this space soon but until then, if you are feeling ‘that feeling’ - time to tune in to your on repeat playlist and forget about the world.
See you soon!
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You can always reach out to me on dearhummingbird1@gmail.com. or connect with me on IG at _i__cook or use the comment section!
Always grateful for the love,
The Hummingbird🌺
Why did you stopped writing , I enjoyed your content